Category: Interesting Links

Hmm, Well I Thought This Was a Free Country, and Other Links

Is Daylight Savings Time Hazardous to Your Health?, and Other News

The hazards of daylight savings time. There’s a higher risk of heart attacks, traffic accidents and workplace injuries on the first Monday of Daylight Saving.

US government’s advice on how to handle food leftovers. You know the feds have too much money when they can afford to publish this.

Hospitals study themselves. Conclusion: we’re not monopolists.

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Headlines I Like

Curious Imbalance in the New Health Law, and Other Links

Insurance Plans that Can Charge You More, and Other Links

Guess which insurance plans can charge you more if you are young and disabled with pre-existing conditions and will continue to do so under ObamaCare? Government regulated medigap plans, like the ones offered by AARP!

Almost 13% of Texans will still be uninsured after ObamaCare is implemented. In California, almost 12% will remain uninsured.

Remote monitoring of patients in intensive  care units has spread to 300 hospitals in 40 healthcare systems across 30 states. Vital signs and the visual condition of patients are displayed on five to six computer workstations that can keep track of multiple patients.

Does physician empathy matter? Yes, at least for diabetics.

Competition matters: Hospitals in Northern California collect 56 percent more revenue per patient per day than hospitals in Southern California.

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Facts of the Day

Nanotechnology Fact of the Day: researchers are working with tiny bits of matter that are 100,000 times smaller than the thickness of a sheet of paper—and sensitive magnetic fields to locate breast-cancer cells.

Outerspace Fact of the Day: Companies are paying $200,000 a flight to give scientists four minutes of weightlessness.

Medical Fact of the Day: Anesthesia is a reversible drug-induced coma.

Animal Fact of the Day: By regenerating lost heart tissue, newborn mice can heal their own organs.

Evolution Fact of the Day: Marine worms have primitive eyes.

Smart People More Likely to Binge Drink, and Other News