Category: Interesting Links

Interesting Links from Marginal Revolution

Is Facebook the Leading Cause of Divorce?, and Other Links

Food Safety Not Exactly Based on Science, and Other News

Scientific American: Is food safety based on science? A lot of it isn’t.

OECD:  the European Union will see an increase in health expenditure of 350% by 2050. The economy is only set to expand by 180%.

Three health ideas from Harvard. (video)

Swiss study: to accept coordinated care, general practitioners require up to 40 percent more pay. Patients also need a substantial reduction in premiums to accept it.

New study: Native Americans ravaged the environment long before Europeans came to North America. Everybody already knew this except for greenies, college students, Hollywood, Kevin Costner,…oh, and Marlon Brando, George C. Scott …

News Flashes I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Economists Urge Congress and President to Stop Bickering, and Other Links

Now they tell us: Ten former White House economists are urging Congress and President Obama to stop bickering and take up the proposals offered by a bipartisan deficit commission.

Men underwent more than 1.1 million cosmetic procedures last year. Fastest growing procedure: facelifts.

Quote of the day: Gates: ‘We haven’t done something like this kind of on-the-fly before’…

Consumers are paying an additional $1,355 a year on “hidden” out-of-pocket health care expenses. Includes  home health aides not covered by insurance, alternative medicines, ambulance services and nutritional products.

News Flashes I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

News Flashes I Like

Potassium Iodide Not a Cure-All for Radiation, and Other News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Should We Celebrate or Mourn Caesar’s Death, and Other Links

Remembering Caesar: Should we celebrate or mourn his assassination on the ides of March? David Henderson does the calculus.

Can animals be virtuous? No. They can’t be wicked either.

The new Chevrolet Cruze Eco can reach eye-popping fuel economy levels of more than 50 miles per gallon on the highway ……. with a  conventional gasoline engine! One more reason why the government shouldn’t pick technological winners and losers.

Don Morran: Today’s tax code generally favors small businesses over larger ones. But, small businesses face disproportionately high costs in complying with it.

Pain Facts: The 20 per cent of family doctors who are frequent prescribers wrote 55 times as many prescriptions for opioids as the 20 per cent who prescribe the least.”