Category: Interesting Links

Think Twice About Buying a Non-Touch Faucet, and Other News

News Flashes I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

News Flashes I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Stomach “Pacemaker” Promises Weight Loss Success, and Other Links

New weight control device: Stomach “pacemaker” detects whenever a patient eats or drinks and emits low energy electrical pulses to the nerves that trigger a feeling of rapid fullness.

Nearly one out of every five men between 25 and 54 is not employed.

Medicare Advantage members have lower mortality rates: Latest study reinforces earlier studies.

Travelocity for health insurance? The people who are charged with setting up the exchanges say it’s not going to be as easy as buying a plane ticket.

Want aggressive end-of-life care? Go to New York City.

Calorie Labeling on Vending Machines, and Other Links

FDA has 68 pages of new rules on vending machine calorie labeling. Since it’s required by ObamaCare, there is no cost-benefit test here.

The Bible got it right: periodic fasting is good for you.

Chronic pain afflicts more than a quarter of adult Americans. Some doctors insist patients sign a “pain contract,” agreeing not to abuse their medications and consenting to be monitored.

So why do they support guaranteed issue and community rating? Poll: 93.3% of adults believe they are more responsible for their personal health than their doctor.

Medicare Chief Actuary: Medicaid enrollment under Obama Care may be 9 million more than originally predicted. Huge implications for state budgets.

Biotronik, Delayed Operations, Scott Brown, Caffeine

News Flashes I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

News Flashes I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Check Out a Dog from this Library, and Other News

Feeling stress? Yale law library lets you check out a therapy dog.

Chinese firms have paid millions of dollars to Lay-Z-Boy and other US furniture makers to refrain from accusing them of “dumping” (selling below cost in order to gain market share). Alex Tabarrok calls this extortion. Megan McArdle defends it.

Researchers: it is possible to immunize mammals to control fertility. “Technique could possibly be used on other mammals — including humans.”

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