Category: Interesting Links

Thinking Happy Thoughts, and Other Links

Snap a Photo of Your Dinner to See Its Calorie Count, and Other Links

How to Tell if Someone Is Lying, and Other Links

Is Your Name One of the Top Ten Baby Names?, and Other Links

How Little Sleep Can You Get Away With?, and Other Links

News Flashes I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

FDA Attempts Ousting of Longtime Drug-Company CEO, and Other News

Why Dogs Die, and Other Links

Physicians Reporting High Levels of Vaccine Refusals, and Other News

In a typical month, 79 percent of physicians report at least one vaccine refusal; 8 percent report refusals for more than 10 percent of children. And, 89 percent report at least one request to spread out vaccines — 20 percent report these requests for more than 10 percent of children.

In richer countries, people are more trusting. Interesting graphics. Income equality conclusion probably wrong.

One in seven births should be Caesarian. Otherwise there will be more still births.

Poor report cards hurt bad surgeons, but do not help good ones. (HT to Jason Shafrin)

Veterans Affairs vs. Mayo Clinic on MRSA

Veterans Affairs: Testing every patient for MRSA is effective at reducing hospital acquired MRSA infections.

Mayo Clinic: Testing every patient for MRSA is NOT effective at reducing hospital acquired MRSA infections.

University of Rochester:  High-quality hospitals have death rates that are 34 percent lower, while spending nearly 22 percent less, on trauma patient care than average-quality hospitals.