Breast Cancer

Did you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month? I didn’t either. But with such distractions as President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize who can blame us? Consider:

The breast is something of an orphan in our health care system. We have cardiologists, nephrologists, hepatologists, proctologists and neurologists — but we have no “mammologists.” How did the breast get lost?

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  1. Linda Gorman says:

    Common sense appears to be something else that’s lost, at least in our graduate schools.

    As for not knowing it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, why else has the world faded to pink?

  2. Bruce says:

    Why am I fairly certain there is no prostate cancer awareness month?

  3. Brian W. says:

    Linda’s right. There seem to be pink ribbons everywhere these days, from the NFL to my son’s elementary school. The other day, thousands of people in pink t-shirts descended on Capitol Hill asking for more breast cancer research funding.

    In Congress, they call these things “Disease of the Month.”

  4. Bart Ingles says:

    I didn’t know it was even legal to give a politician $1.4 million as a reward for favorable policy. I wonder what would constitute quid pro quo in this case.