The Affordable Care Act imposes a 2.3 percent excise tax on gross sales on the manufacture and importation of medical devices. Devices typically sold by retailers to consumers — including toothbrushes and bandages — are exempt from the tax, whereas devices purchased from wholesalers by health care providers, such as tongue depressors and ultrasound equipment, are taxable. There is broad bipartisan support in Congress for repealing the medical device tax, due to the negative effect an excise tax has on manufacturers. Continue reading GAO: Small Medical Device Manufactures Not Thriving under Obamacare
All posts by Devon Herrick
Dr. Pharmacist Will See You Now
A recent article in the International Business Times outlines how pharmacists are pushing for a bigger role in health care. According to the article, Washington recently became the first state to recognize pharmacists as health care providers, and require that insurers reimburse them for consultations. Beginning next year pharmacists in Washington can bill insurers for appointments just like doctors and nurse practitioners.
2015 Medicare Trustees Report: No Pot O’ Gold in Medicare’s Future
The Trustees for Social Security and Medicare released their 2015 Trustees’ Report. Liberal stalwart, Mother Jones, proclaimed how wonderful it was. Political blogger Kevin Drum had an interesting argument showing how long-term medical cost projections were down from a decade ago. However, he also conceded that others think the current slowdown is temporary. Yet, if you look at the report itself the news isn’t very reassuring. In 2000, Medicare spending as a percentage of GDP was just above 2 percent. It’s now about 3.5 percent and will be four percent by 2023.
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Hooray! Cheap Lab Tests Coming to a Walgreens Near You! No Physician Required!
A recent Huffington Post article explains how a 31-year old college dropout wants to alter your relationship with your doctor — but in a good way. Elizabeth Holmes, a self-made billionaire, is in the process of shaking up the stodgy laboratory testing industry. The first of her tests have received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, with others to follow.
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The ACA’s ‘Tanning Tax’ Harms Women-Owned Business
By Cherylyn Harley LeBon
In the wake of the King v. Burwell Supreme Court decision, Congress must now turn their attention to fixing the most harmful parts of the law. As it turns out, the Affordable Care Act has not been “affordable” for women who own tanning salons — or their customers. The so-called Tanning Tax imposed a 10 percent excise tax on tanning bed services, in addition to state sales taxes and taxes paid by the tanning salon owner.
The Tanning Tax’s impact on the tanning industry has been devastating. Since the tax was implemented in 2009, nearly 10,000 tanning salons have closed, according to the American Suntanning Association. This has resulted in a loss of 81,000 jobs. For instance:
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Over-the-Counter Contraceptives Better than a Mandate
“The Pill” turned 50 in May of 2010. With the advent of oral contraceptives, couples had far better contraceptive options. Democratic supporters of Obamacare wanted to make contraceptives more affordable by mandating contraceptive coverage. Many supporters view the mandate as a feminist issue and assume anyone who opposes it is waging a war on women. The problem is that mandated benefits are not free; they come with costs that would be more efficiently borne by individuals.
Republican Senators Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Cory Gardner (R-CO) also want to make birth control pills easier to afford — and more accessible. They sponsored Senate Bill 1438, Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act. S.1438 would encourage the sale of hormonal contraceptives over the counter (OTC) without a prescription.
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