
A newly approved chemotherapy drug will cost about $30,000 a month: Is the prospect of ObamaCare the reason?

More bad news for seniors: [Home health care] currently accounts for 3.7 percent of the Medicare budget, but would absorb 10.2 percent of the savings squeezed from Medicare by the House bill and 9.4 percent of savings in the Senate bill, the Congressional Budget Office says.

The U.S. says it approved $142 million in commercial and donated medical exports to Cuba in 2008. So why did less than 1 percent of it get there?

One way to deal with dissatisfied customers: After Indonesian woman complains about hospital in e-mail, the government puts her in jail.

MedPAC Medicare spending survey: Miami-Dade is 39% above the national average; Honolulu is 25% below.

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  1. Bruce says:

    I find the Indonesian method of dealing with hospital complaints very interesting. Why do I think the Indonesian method is coming to America?

  2. Bret says:

    Do I think drug costs are going up today because Obama is going to impose price controls on the industry tomorrow? Is there any knowledgeable person anywhere who thinks otherwise?

  3. Larry C. says:

    Bret, we’re not quite up to Indonesian standards but look at what has happened to every group that has opposed Obama in any way. The US Chamber, NAM and NFIB were not even invited to the Jobs Summit.

    The health insurance compoanies did nothing more than release an unfriendly study and they are about to lose their anti-trust exemption in retaliation.