How to Tell if Someone Is Lying, and Other Links

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    It’s amazing to see all the medical apps available for an iPhone. The consumer aspect of the iPhone will probably increase competition such that technologies that otherwise would have been prohibitively expensive will come to market as iPhone apps.

  2. Brian Williams. says:

    The article about lying suggests using several conversation techniques in airports to determine who might be a security threat. The last several times I have gone through an airport security line, I wasn’t required to make conversation with anyone. I didn’t even make eye contact.

  3. Virginia says:

    I’ve always wanted to be CIA-like with my lie detecting skills, but I must admit that I don’t often find myself in CIA-like conditions that would warrant the use of these techniques.

  4. Rusty W. says:

    Jack Bauer just shoots them in the leg and they start telling the truth.

  5. Erik says:

    All you really need to know if someone is lying to you or hiding any emotion is to understand the Roman/Greek/Asiatic Pantomime Mask (facial expressions; non-verbal communication). All expressions and emotions are included. The human face can only make so many expressions based on its muscular formations and each emotion is based on one of the formations. They are created on the subconscious level so a person may not even be aware they are creating a particular muscular formation/emotion. I was taught this profiling technique while in the service.