More Reasons Why You Will Probably Get Your Care from a Nurse

For decades, medicine has been dominated by fiercely independent doctors who owned their practices, worked night and day, had comfortable incomes and rarely saw their families … But instead of being an entrepreneur, Dr. Kate Dewar will become an employee of a large corporation working 36 hours a week — half the hours her father and grandfather worked … Her decision is part of a sweeping cultural overhaul of medicine’s traditional ethos that along with wrenching changes in its economics is transforming the profession. Like Dr. Dewar, many other young doctors are taking salaried jobs, working fewer hours, often going part time and even choosing specialties based on family reasons.

Full article on the changes in the way patients get care.

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  1. Virginia says:

    Given the article today about how working 11+ hours/day puts you at higher risk for a heart attack, I guess part time docs are a good thing. At least they practice what they preach.

  2. Erin O says:

    There’s no incentive for physicians to work around the clock anymore.

  3. Linda Gorman says:

    Except that you need almost two docs today to do the work one did previously and places at medical school are not expanding. And no one has looked at how this sweeping overhaul of the professional ethos affects patient care.

  4. Devon Herrick says:

    I’ve heard some medical doctors talk about reasons for the change in attitudes. Forty years ago most doctors were men and doctor’s wives often did not work outside the home.

    Now women make up half of medical students and many students (both men and women) prefer to balance work with family. Independent practices require the responsibilities of owning a business and long hours to cover office overhead. An easier solution is to work for a hospital or clinic.

  5. Rusty W. says:

    You’ve already convinced me. Bring on the nurses.

  6. Stephen C. says:

    Bureaucracy is destroying the practice of medicine.

  7. Jackie says:

    Would care by nurses be so bad? Nurse practitioners are educated and trained to treat acute and chronic illness are much more cost effective I might add. They have been practicing safely for a long time and have proven themselves to be competent and effective.

  8. Jhon says:

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  9. Ricardo says:

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