Why Can’t Congress Produce a Budget?

Every U.S. family understands the importance of a budget. But apparently Washington does not. The truth is, Congress has the legal responsibility to pass an annual budget, and the president’s budget holds no legal authority. Yet Congress has not passed a concurrent budget resolution in more than 1,000 days and counting. Congress also has a constitutional responsibility to pass annual spending bills. Yet Congress has only passed spending bills on time four times since 1952. The last time Congress passed both a concurrent budget resolution and all required spending bills on time was 1996.

David Walker in Politico.

Comments (6)

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  1. Brian Williams. says:

    Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House in 1996, the last time Congress passed both a concurrent budget resolution and all required spending bills on time.

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    Congress is a collective. The institution gets blamed for problems, but individual members still have the support of their constituents. There are no real checks on their effectiveness. A member that promises free benefits to voters at the expense of future taxpayers does not suffer the consequences of their actions.

  3. Joe says:

    It’s the Senate that won’t pass a budget. The House of Representatives has. Proclaiming “A pox on both your houses” just plays into the Obama reelection meme.

  4. Brian says:

    Part of the reason might be because everyone wants to get there earmarks in at the last minute.

  5. Dr. Steve says:

    The USA family can’t cover the spending it does by printing money in the basement. If it did someone would go to jail. Government has been doing that for 80 years. It will all come crashing down, we just don’t know when. It will spread all over the world. It will test our morals and civility because it will be very painful.

  6. Vengie says:

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