The Perfect Employee

They do what they’re told. They don’t whine. They don’t complain. They don’t ask for time off. They don’t have spouse or kid problems. As the Wall Street Journal explains, what more could you ask for?

In the next few years, thousands of “service robots” are expected to enter the health-care sector—picture R2D2 from “Star Wars” carrying a tray of medications or a load of laundry down hospital corridors. Fewer than 1,000 of these blue-collar robots currently roam about hospitals, but those numbers are expected to grow quickly. As America’s elderly population grows, the country’s health-care system is facing cost pressures and a shortage of doctors and nurses. Many administrators are hoping to foist some of the less glamorous work onto robots.

Comments (5)

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    Currently, robots deliver drugs (securely) from the hospital pharmacy (often in the basement) to the hospital floors. To access the drugs, nurses must sign in using their unique identification and password before dispensing drugs to patients. I was on a hospital tour once and we were told that the robots would not enter an elevator if there was a person already on the elevator.

    I can imagine in the future, food could be distributed that way. A robot could scrub floors and take linen to the laundry. Possibly, common hospital supplies (or those that were ordered the previous shift) might be distributed that way.

  2. Brian says:

    As long as they don’t turn on humans like the infamous HAL 9000.

  3. Paul H. says:

    Humans are not the highest life form.

  4. Blaine says:

    If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure
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  5. Virginia says:

    I’m sort of shocked that this isn’t already a bigger deal. It seems like we already have the technology to replace half of the labor force with robots. Is the barrier price?