3 thoughts on “The Drug Companies Will Be Next”

  1. Notice how Medicare Part D begins to grow at a steeper rate just after 2018. That’s because the ACA closes the so-called Donut Hole in 2019. It would seem counterproductive to boost Medicare Part D drug benefits and then gouge drug makers because the program is suddenly too costly.

  2. Devon’s comment hits the nail on the head.

    Government all too often creates a problem, then passes laws, penalties, regulations and rules to fix the problem that government created in the first place (see: Medicare, Unfunded Liabilities of).

  3. We’ve already seen what happens to the drug supply when manufacturing certain drugs is no longer profitable to the pharmaceutical companies. Will there be an executive order requiring drug companies to manufacture products at a loss?? How long until they start closing their doors? Then where will we get our drugs? From China?

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