Tax Preparers Earned Bounties to Sign People Up For ObamaCare
ObamaCare’s open enrollment was supposed to close on March 31. Then it was extended to April 15 — Tax Day. The Administration chose that date for a deliberate purpose: Tax preparers were paid to enroll people in ObamaCare. The Administration has a number of ways to pay people who are not licensed insurance agents or brokers to recruit ObamaCare applicants. A self-employed tax preparer of my acquaintance told me that his tax-preparation software vendor offered him $50 “per scalp” that he enrolled in ObamaCare. (Here’s the vendor’s website offering “referral fees“.)
I know when I did my taxes through Turbo Tax, they tried to get me to sign up for ObamaCare. I feel like they are coming at us from all angles.
They have to. These are the techniques they are using to “inform” people.
“…offered him $50 “per scalp” that he enrolled in ObamaCare.”
Well that is reassuring that all we are in the eyes of the government are “scalps.”
At least its better than sheep…
Maybe they used the phrase, “scalp the sheep.”
Fifty dollar per person signed? If I had known this before I would have started my own business of enrolling people to Obamacare. It is a quick and easy way to make some additional money.
Good luck finding people to enroll!
Not to mention it being seasonal work.
Not if they keep extending the enrollment deadline.
I wonder how many of those 7 million new enrollees are not real. If the government was giving out 50 dollars per individual signed, I wonder how many counterfeiters took advantage of this bonanza.
I wonder how many people signed up after doing their taxes. Especailly those who received substantial returns. They are in a gleeful moment having receiving a sum of their money back, health insurance probably doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
Until the first monthly premium costs as much as their tax return.
This suggests to me the attrition rate of the people signed up in March is likely to approach 50% or more.