Sunbelt Counties Will Suffer Under ObamaCare

The Congressional Budget Office recently published new estimates on how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) would cut about $716 billion from Medicare over a 10-year period (2013 to 2022). This included $415 billion from Fee-for-Service (FFS) Medicare and $156 billion from Medicare Advantage (MA) plans — in addition to other cost-cutting provisions. The cuts work out to about $15,000 fewer dollars per enrollee.

Robert Book and Michael Ramlet have updated their analysis of the impact of Medicare cuts by state and county. One startling factoid: three states that are havens for seniors — Texas, California and Florida — stand to lose a combined $148 billion. Two counties in Florida — Broward and Dade County — stand to lose nearly $10 billion combined. Two counties in Texas — Harris County (Houston-area) and Dallas County — stand to lose nearly $11 billion combined.

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  1. Joe S. says:

    Good to know who the losers are.

  2. Nichole says:

    Can the US really afford to do this?

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    A loss of $11 billion from Dallas and Harris County over a 10-year period works about $500 million per year in each country. I wonder if the hospital executives and doctors in Dallas County know they’re going to make up for the loss of $500 million? The answer is probably “yes.” This might explain why hospitals are acquiring physician practices so they can bill physician services at higher outpatient rates. This would also explain why more doctors are willing to sell their practices and work for the hospitals.

  4. Alex says:

    Don’t worry though, Obama is giving bonus payments so no one will have reduced benefits until after the election.

  5. Roget says:

    Always felt that campaigning during a term was counter productive. Needs to be one 6 year term like Mexico. So that way they can lie their way in and not bother with all of this posturing come reelection time.

  6. Ender says:

    Wow, I wonder if all the seniors inside Houston and Dallas know that their medicare will be cut by $11 billion.

  7. Brian Williams. says:

    Joe S., I get the sick feeling we will all be losers under Obamacare.

  8. August says:

    These figures are simply a function of the elderly population in each area. It reinforces the idea that those relying on medicare will be facing hardship under ACA.

    Cuts to spending are neccesary, but there are better ways implement them.

  9. Robert says:

    Devon, that’s a very keen insight. I recall the recent discussion we had relating to that and I agree that both hospitals and doctors could be gearing up for this shift.

  10. Lauren says:

    Sunbelt counties will suffer under ObamaCare…and they don’t seem to be aware of it (most especially seniors.) Shocker.