Screen for Dementia, New Pill Alerts Your Doctor, and Why It’s Hard to Stick to an Exercise Routine

Are you getting dementia? You can screen yourself.

Poor eating habits and failure to exercise explained. People are present-oriented.

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  1. Ken says:

    I intended to screen myself, but I forgot.

  2. Joe S. says:

    We needed a study to conclude that a lot of people are present oriented? Why not just open your eye and look around?

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    Concluding that some people are “present-oriented” is too simple an explanation for why they don’t exercise or eat healthy meals. Maybe I’ll apply for an NIH grant to test the theory that some people discount their social time preference rate at a suboptimal level with respect to healthy behaviors.

  4. Madeline says:

    It might be useful for wives if their husband’s Viagra pills had that feature.

  5. Vicki says:

    I think Madeline has a good idea. We need to keep better track of the male sex. I’m sure Tiger Woods’ wife would agree.

  6. Virginia says:

    The privacy issues associated with someone else knowing whether or not you’ve taken your medication are profound. On the one hand, it might be good for the elderly or others that have a large and confusing array of medications. But, I’m not sure this technology is entirely benevolent.

  7. Virginia says:

    Shouldn’t people be more present-oriented anyway? Since we don’t know what will happen in the future, shouldn’t we strike some balance between living for right now and living for the what-if?

    After all, the present has a 100% chance of occurring whereas the future has many variables. I realize the study gave participants perfect knowledge about their choices, but we rarely have that in real life.