Hits & Misses – 2008/12/10

Risk Averse People are Healthier. They are less likely to smoke, drink, be overweight or exceed the speed limit. They are more likely to use a seat belt. [link] Hat tip to Jason Shafrin.

Who Knew? The Anesthesiologist was Not in Network. The patient had to pony up $580 extra. [link]

One More Argument for Personal and Portable Health Insurance. Getting surgery before the bankruptcy/layoff didn't help. The employer still didn't pay the bill. COBRA didn't help either. [link]



Comments (3)

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  1. Joe S. says:

    Agree with you on personal and portable health insurance. Interestingly, Sen Wyden is in the Wall Street Journal today arguing for the same idea.

    Maybe there is an opportunity here for a left/right coming to a meeting of the minds.

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    It’s not surprising that risk-averse people are healthier. About two-thirds of medical expenditures are related to lifestyle. I would expect those who fear the negative effects of smoking, drinking and unhealthy diets to engage in healthier behaviors. Otherwise, why would any eat salads?

  3. Robert says:

    The anesthesiologist surprise is one more argument for mdedical tourism. If you get your surgery in Singapore or Thailand or India, you are not going to face these types of surprises.