Health Reform Policy Update

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  1. Ken says:

    The only surprise on the cost curve finding is that the Obama White House denies it. They are fighting an unending battle against inconvenient facts.

  2. Tom H. says:

    Massachusetts ER traffic is interesting — since the whole argument for reform in the first place was that people shouldn’t have to go to the emergency room for their care.

  3. Joe S. says:

    The PWC study doesn’t need defending. It’s conclusions are common sense.

  4. Stephen C. says:

    I agree with Ken.

  5. Brian W. says:

    The Karen Ignagni article was interesting. She is defending against some withering assaults from the White House over AHIP’s recent study. The White House is really going after AHIP on this one, even threatening legislative retribution that would revoke their anti-trust exemptions.

    Other groups must be watching this carefully as they decide how to weigh in on health reform.

  6. Larry C. says:

    We’re looking more and more like a banana republic.