Majority of Companies Anticipate Losing Grandfathered Status under ObamaCare, Your Doctor’s Religion Matters, and Hospital EMRs Not Up to Standard

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  1. Vicki says:

    The Hewitt study result is unbelievable. So much for the promise that you can keep your health plan if you like it.

  2. Virginia says:

    What’s the point of the religion and hospice article? Do religious doctors hasten death with the idea that heaven awaits? Obviously there is some impact due to religious beliefs, but aren’t most docs trained to do the best for the patient?

  3. Ken says:

    Virgina, the answer appears to be no. I know of a couple who had a Downs Syndrome baby and the doctor didn’t tell them about it until after the birth. Since the doctor didn’t believe in abortion, he explained there was no reason to tell the couple early in the pregnancy. “It would just upset them.”

  4. Stephen C. says:

    I’m not surprised at the EMR numbers. Despite all the hype, they are not being used very much.

  5. Bruce says:

    Obama Care is basically fraud. Obama promised over and over that people could keep their current health plan. It was a promise that he had no intention of honoring.

  6. artk says:

    The health care bill is the dream of every HR department. For years, they have been playing with employee health plans every year, increasing out of pocket costs, reducing benefits, changing insurance carriers with no regard for how changing providers networks disrupts the health care of their employees. Up till now, they had to take to blame for those changes. Now, they can always scapegoat the healthcare law for the changes they would have done anyway.

  7. Robert says:

    “Up till now, they had to take to blame for those changes. Now, they can always scapegoat the healthcare law for the changes they would have done anyway.”

    So they took the blame before the law, but now that the law is going to dictate to them benefits like OOP and benefit designs it is still their fault and blame still lies with them because the law is just a scapegoat?

  8. Virginia says:


    That’s awful. I’ve heard it happening for birth control or other issues related to pregnancy, but have you ever heard of religion impacting care for terminally ill?

    I’m just curious. I can’t think of a way that religion would create strange incentives for someone that is dying. Physician-assisted suicide is the only thing that comes to mind, although religious and nonreligious people find that an uncomfortable subject.