Intelligent People Drink More Alcohol, and Other Links

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  1. Louise says:

    Concierge medicine is such an intriguing trend. I hope to read more about it here soon!

  2. Jordan says:

    In response to the first link.

  3. James Mule says:

    Its not uncommon for women to not be married these days, why get married if you are just having a kid. Divorce rates are to high because of this reason.

  4. Jackson says:

    Intelligent people drink more booze.

    -This study is certainly a confidence boost.

  5. Buster says:

    Intelligent people drink more booze.

    This is an unexpected finding. Drinkers are often portrayed as lazy, shiftless, irresponsible, judgment-impaired (at least that’s what my mother always tried to instill in me). I wonder what the breakdown is between people who drink liquor, wine and beer.

  6. Laura says:

    Government responses to everything do more harm than good. Yet, he got re-elected. Still trying to process and understand how and why!

  7. Studebaker says:

    U.S. birth rate at an all-time low; more than 40 percent of all babies are born to unmarried women.

    It the easiest route to a lower-class standard of living — people who take on child rearing before they have the resources to do so. I’m the product of a two-parent family. I married the product of a two-parent family. My siblings have intact-marriages in which they raised their kids. Most of my friends are from two-parent families. It’s hard for me to fathom anything else. That’s not to say it cannot be done successfully. But the easiest route to a life away from poverty is to wait until you are married (or have a committed partner willing to stick around) and have acquired a skill before starting a family.

  8. Peter says:

    The next time you’re inclined to enjoy an extra glass of wine, consider that it may be a reflection of your intelligence. Cheers to that!

  9. Jennifer says:

    “Our ancestors had previously gotten their alcohol kick through eating rotten fruits, so more intelligent humans may be more likely to choose modern alcoholic beverages.”

    How neat is that!

  10. Robert says:

    Intelligent people drink more booze? Of course we do! Ignorance is bliss and we don’t have it.

    On that note, does this mean we’re all crazy drunks as well?

  11. seyyed says:

    physicians can’t pay to stay in practice considering all the equipment they need to buy and other costs associated with health care reform. should be interesting to see what happens-i’m assuming a rise of more retail clinics

  12. August says:

    Government response to disasters is negative when it prevents price adjustment(anti-gouging) and when licencing requirements reduce the supply of labor in recovery efforts.

    Because mandatory evacuations are really more of a recommendation I don’t them seeing a huge problem.

  13. Alex says:

    I think intelligent people drink more in order to deal with the less intelligent people that typically rule them.

  14. bart says:

    Commenting on blogs is thirsty work!