Including Calorie Counts on Menus, and Other Links

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  1. Wallace says:

    “a study funded by the City of New York that reviewed about 15,000 receipts and surveys from fast-food lunch patrons before and after the city required those restaurants to list calories on menus showed no change in the average calories bought. But 1 in 6 people used the calorie information, and that group purchased an average of 96 fewer calories, an 11% decrease.”

    Not great results

    • JD says:

      I wonder if those are the kind of how people who are health conscious anyway, so the change didn’t really affect their behavior.

    • Bosh says:

      I think those people who are using the calorie info, would find it whether or not the store offered it on the menu.

  2. JD says:

    “President Obama and Jared Bernstein are wrong: investment, not consumption, causes economic growth.”

    This is a common mistake that doesn’t pass a simple logic test. Unfortunately, many, many smart people believe that stimulating consumption is the key to prosperity.

  3. Dewaine says:

    “Income inequality rose faster under Obama than Bush or Clinton.”

    It’s Bush’s fault.

  4. Dewaine says:

    “David Henderson: Even self-imposed price controls lead to quality reductions.”

    An unchallengeable belief can lead to the same thing as government imposition. At least in the case of the former the original party is the one who suffers.

    • Sharron says:

      I would disagree, because if you set your own belief/price control (unless it was inherently antithetical to a quality ___) I don’t think it would lose quality.

  5. Tracy says:

    On the Costco hot dog: self imposed price controls would have to be profitable in some way, otherwise they wouldn’t happen.

    • Richard G says:

      “It turns out that James Sinegal, the co-founder of Costco and, until recently, CEO, had a strong belief in keeping the price [of the hotdog] at $1.50. No one could talk him out of it.”

      But maybe only for the guy in charge

  6. Devon Herrick says:

    I liked how the article explained that a piece of lean red meat was far lower in calories than a piece of chicken smothered in a sweetened glaze.