Hits and Misses

17 thoughts on “Hits and Misses”

  1. “Trader Joe’s to part-time employees: instead of health insurance, you get $500 and an invitation to head for the nearest exchange.”

    The government will eat the more and more of our health costs as private companies move away from coverage. Hello deficit.

    1. Right. I’m not particularly worried about the deficit, but getting people hooked on handouts leads to dereliction and is hard to reverse. Someday we could have real problems. That needs to stop now, not then.

  2. “Sadists are more common than you think; they enjoy other people’s pain.”

    Honestly, we are all a little sadist. How often have you had bad luck or a bad outcome and taken pleasure that your peers also suffered the same fate?

    1. Right, I think that the research makes this behavior seem like an aberration. It isn’t. Under good conditions we may not act this way, but we all have the instinct to value ourselves over others.

  3. “ObamaCare doctors will ask about your sex life; but they can’t ask if you own a fire arm.”

    I doesn’t really matter what they can and can’t ask. What matters is that doctors would have to ask something and can’t ask something else. For a doctor/patient relationship to be successful there has to be the freedom of communication. This hampers that, expect adverse consequences.

    1. Right. If a doctor is worried about you doing harm to yourself or others, they should be able to ask if you have the means so that they can judge the risk.

      If they don’t need information about your sex life, it is a waste of time and resources. Requirements like these are stupid.

  4. “ObamaCare doctors will ask about your sex life; but they can’t ask if you own a fire arm.”

    I’m sure the NSA can supplement this.

  5. “Why you eat junk food when you’re anxious: fatty foods reward the brain, which counteracts stress.”

    So you are saying that we should prescribe McDonalds to anxious people.

    1. Interesting thought. I know that you were being facetious, but it brings up a good point about the good uses of seemingly bad things. It may actually be beneficial for some people who suffer with anxiety to eat fatty foods in moderation.

  6. “Why you eat junk food when you’re anxious: fatty foods reward the brain, which counteracts stress.”

    I’m sure for many people this is cycle leads to addiction. They eat junk food which leads to weight gain making them more anxious about their appearance which can be tempered by more junk food.

  7. It’s pretty depressing that the unions feel free to shout loudly and publicly, “Give us special treatment, or else!” without any sense of shame.

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