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  1. Dewaine says:

    “Good news: at least one person has actually signed up for health insurance on healthcare.gov.”

    What is the old line? If we could save only one person, then it was worth it?

    • JD says:

      It’ll be interesting to see what that one person’s premiums look like. Since their business is sustaining that entire insurance industry I’m guessing they will be high.

  2. JD says:

    “Cancer cost the EU €126 billion in 2009, but the burden varies from country to country.”

    Cool graphic, why is Germany so high?

  3. Sabal says:

    “Heritage Foundation: how the exchanges we propose are different from ObamaCare.”

    This should be good.

  4. Don Levit says:

    I read the article about the private exchanges, hoping to get some information about the products.
    All I read was basically, the plans were defined contribution plans, and could provide innovative features.
    Seems to me that the employers participating in these plans are forgoing self insurance in lieu of providing stipends for individual insurance policies. If correct, how are these plans any different from the individual market that exists today?
    Don Levit

  5. Bubba says:

    Heritage Foundation: how the exchanges we propose are different

    Their explanation came only about 5 years too late!

    • Dewaine says:

      Exactly. What have they been doing this whole time? If they were really different they would’ve pointed it out a long time ago.