Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Berwick: Letting patients control their own health care dollars is a “vicious idea.”  HT: Avik Roy.

Chicken has E. coli half of the time.

Study: obese workers cost employers $1,850 a year; smokers cost $1,275.

Comments (5)

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  1. Buster says:

    Study: obese workers cost employers $1,850 a year; smokers cost $1,275.

    I’m surprised labor discrimination is not more prevalent given that older workers; obese workers, smokers and workers generally in poor health cost more to underwrite for health coverage and are (sometimes) less productive due to health problems.

    But I have also heard theories that the reason older workers are not discriminated against is precisely because they are more productive given their additional years of experience.

  2. Studebaker says:

    Chicken has E. coli half of the time.

    This fact might explain why chicken sushi never really caught on!

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    Berwick: Letting patients control their own health care dollars is a “vicious idea.”

    This illustrates just how far apart the two parties are on health reform. It gets even worse: within the Democratic Party there are left-leaning, health advocacy wonks. They have this twisted view that it is somehow immoral for patients to ever have to reach for their wallets during an office visitor or episode of care.

    This view is even applied to mean that patients cannot (or should not) be allowed to control any of the money — even if the money is provided to them by a third-party payer. I would argue it’s an elitist view. Most health policy wonks believe they know what’s best for people.

  4. Brian says:

    That kind of anti-choice, anti-individual rhetoric from an such a bureaucrat as Berwick is to be expected.

  5. Brian Williams. says:

    I agree with Brian.