Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Roget says:

    Does it matter how many pages are in it? Congress doesn’t actually read it anyway.

  2. Jordan says:

    Can’t wait to see Eric Holder dance around this one. Hopefully the committee will actually do something other than just demand his resignation again.

  3. Gabriel Odom says:

    “In almost every administration since the IRS’s inception the information and power of the tax agency have been mobilized for explicitly political purposes.”

    “1913 wasn’t a very good year. 1913 gave us the income tax, the 16th amendment and the IRS.” – Ron Paul

    And this is why the founding fathers never had the IRS in mind. In fact, one of the main reason we have founding fathers was because of oppression through taxes.

  4. H. James Prince says:

    Why does it even matter how many thousands of pages there is? The U.S. Constitution is 21 pages in normal font, and that law works just fine.

    We need an amendment that says “no laws bigger than 50 pages”. That way, the government can’t do anything big.

  5. Tonya says:

    “How many pages of ObamaCare regulations are there? 13,000? 20,000? 33,000?”

    I feel bad for those bureaucrats who wrote those pages.

  6. Gabriel Odom says:

    You mean “unpaid interns”. That’s who writes this stuff.

  7. Timmy says:

    “In Washington, D.C., smoking is a pre-existing condition: henceforth insurers shall be forbidden by law to charge smokers higher rates than non-smokers.”

    I suppose that stupidity is also a pre-existing condition.

  8. Marcus Weyland says:

    Stupidity is willful ignorance. Ergo, it cannot be pre-existing. People have to choose each day to be stupid.

  9. Gabriel Odom says:

    I think that’s his point. If tobacco smoking is a “pre-existing condition”, then so is stupidity. People have to choose to smoke, they also have to choose to remain ignorant. Therefore, by your own statement that “stupidity is willful ignorance”, stupidity is no different from smoking.

  10. Henry GrosJean says:

    I don’t see the big deal with the IRS. Who cares what they do with those crazy people’s money. Those Teabag partyers are terrorists anyway. They don’t even deserve tax exempt status.


  11. Mark says:

    You’re kidding, right? The Church of Scientology is a 501c3, and we all know how retarded those people are.