Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

12 thoughts on “Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen”

  1. First link: hah. It’s apparently pretty easier to pass Obamacare than it is to force it upon yourself. *Shake fist at legislature.

  2. The third link actually made me ill. Why are people tinkering around with matters that they’re not qualified or committed to fully researching the implications of? Didn’t they learn a lesson from the previous hole in Medicare coverage?

  3. On the green cards: As Jay Leno aptly put it, “illegal aliens” are now called “unregistered democrats”.

  4. @ Green Card vs ObamaCare

    I think it is easier to apply for a green card than applying for insurance in general. I have done both those things, and believe me, I think my health insurance screen me more thoroughly.

  5. @ the annual cost of dementia

    With the 70 plus million baby boomers going into their retirement age, add to this the fact that people are living longer, I can only foresee the cost going to continue to increase.

  6. The estimated prevalence of dementia among persons older than 70 years of age in the United States in 2010 was 14.7%. The yearly monetary cost per person that was attributable to dementia was either $56,290…, $42,746 to $69,834) or $41,689…, depending on the method used to value informal care. These individual costs suggest that the total monetary cost of dementia in 2010 was between $157 billion and $215 billion. Medicare paid approximately
    $11 billion of this cost.

    I’ve seen meaningless calculations like this… The average housewife is worth, say, $195,382 per year if all the tasks she performes were paid for at what they are worth…

  7. Green card vs ObamaCare

    I guess that’s good news for me since I already have experience with applying for a green card, I guess I can’t shy away from applying for Health insurance.

  8. @ Clinics turning away cancer patients

    I think you bring a very important point about how to solve the problem, but it is funny how they haven’t implemented it.

  9. I’ve never quite understood “debtor’s prison.” It seems just like jailing child support scofflaws. Yes jail is not the best place but when you jail somebody for not paying, aren’t you taking away their ability to pay? And when they get out, don’t they still owe the money anyway? Seems silly to me. At the rate we’re going, next you know we’ll have poorhouses and tenements.

  10. It’s easier to apply for green card than ObamaCare.

    – theres a lot of humor in the government.

  11. I think Studebaker brings a very interesting point. By the same token, taking care of pets cost up to $800 for most americans, the figures are a bit exaggerated, but you get my point.

  12. Hah Studebaker, i’m legitimately interested — please get a source for that one. I think I’m being swindled.

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