Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Jeff says:

    Why are you bothered by the robots winning at poker? Eventually they are going to win at everything. Let’s hope they keep us around as pets.

  2. Vicki says:

    Didn’t I read that tomorrow is gong to be government transparency day at the White House? How hypocritical.

  3. Bruce says:

    Waht’s wrong with bribing legislators? Isn’t that their function in life?

  4. Tom H. says:

    Glad to know that somebody got some happiness out of wasteful Medicare spending. Pop another Viagra, Pops.

  5. Virginia says:

    Isn’t there a the theory that when half of the population receives transfer payments from the government, then the society breaks down? Or perhaps it goes to complete socialism? Or both?

  6. Ken says:

    Bruce, the function of legislators in New York is to sell their services to the highest bidder. Not sure it works that way everywhere however.