Gallop’s Latest Unemployment Numbers, Virginia Ironside Advocates Pillow Smothering for Disabled Children, and Bloomberg Says No More Welfare Sodas

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  1. Tom H. says:

    New York City’s nanny mayor just won’t give up.

  2. Bruce says:

    “Pillow smothering”? Is that the most humane way of snuffing the woman can think of?

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    The advice columnist, Virginia Ironside, writes for The Independent. I wonder if she’s also a advisor to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence?

  4. Ken says:

    There appears to be no limit on Bloomberg’s desire to control everyone’s behavior.

  5. Joe S. says:

    The economy is getting worse.

  6. Brian Williams. says:

    Actually, I don’t mind if Mayor Bloomberg restricts the use of welfare dollars, soda pop or otherwise. If only he would return the saved money to it’s rightful owner.

  7. Neil H. says:

    The unemployment numbers are seasonally unadjusted.

  8. Bart Ingles says:

    I took Ironside’s remark as hyperbole. Ironically, all of the characterizations I’ve seen, including the one above, seem further exaggerated.

  9. Bart Ingles says:

    Well, maybe not, after seeing the longer version of the interview.

  10. Virginia says:

    I am a little shocked to find myself on the side of the soda critics for the food stamp issue. If my tax dollars are paying for their food, then I ought to be able to control what they eat, especially since what people eat correlates with their future health problems (which I will also be paying for).

  11. artk says:

    Why is everyone so critical of that Ironside women? I’m sure there isn’t a parent alive who hasn’t wanted to smother their children at least once.

  12. Seamus Muldoon says:

    Gee, this one sparked a little different conversation than the trolley problem here last week. It seems smothering a baby invokes more revulstion than pushing a fat man in front of an onrushing trolley, eh? But boil them down to their essence and the two scenarios are actually very similar. Sacrificing (at your discretion) one person(of your choosing) for some ‘greater’ good (as you define it) makes you a murderer, not a hero.