Dutch TV Uses American Idol-Style Public Voting to Determine Who Gets a Kidney — Maybe

See a YouTube video. Back story:

The program involved a supposedly terminally ill 37-year-old woman donating a kidney to one of twenty five people requiring a kidney transplantation. After a first selection, three people remained. Viewers were able to send advice on who they thought she should choose to give her kidney to via text messages. The profit made by the text messages was given to the Dutch Kidney Foundation. The program, due to its controversial nature, had received heavy international criticism in the run up to the broadcast. In the end, it was revealed during the course of the show that the terminally ill woman was, in reality, an actress, although the three candidates were, in fact, real kidney patients; they were aware of the fact that Lisa was an actress, and participated because they were supportive of BNN’s cause to give awareness to the limited number of organ donors in the Netherlands.

HT: Jason Shafrin.

Comments (7)

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  1. Peterson says:

    “although the three candidates were, in fact, real kidney patients; they were aware of the fact that Lisa was an actress, and participated because they were supportive of BNN’s cause to give awareness to the limited number of organ donors in the Netherlands.”

    -At least their motives were pure.

  2. Buster says:

    Just when I thought the oddly-named concept of Reality Television had already probed the depths and reached the limits of poor taste, the Dutch proved me wrong!

  3. Cindy says:

    Odd choice, but if the goal was making people talk about the issue .. mission accomplished maybe?

  4. Studebaker says:

    What kind of Dutch-Idol contest was this? Is their idea that competition that requires physical prowess might be a Darwinian method to ensure only the strongest, most healthy recipients get kidneys? Would this increase the odds of long-term survival? This all sounds like it’s in such poor taste!

  5. August says:

    “a month after the show aired, 7,300 new donors were registered by the Dutch donor registration.”

    Goal accomplished.

  6. Florence says:

    What a strange concept for a tv show. They may have “accomplished” their goal, but it was a rather bizarre approach.

  7. seyyed says:

    at least it worked! i’m sure that if there was more awareness about becoming a donor people would sign up.