Can Sociopaths Be Detected with an MRI Scan?

More than 100 studies of twins and adopted children have confirmed that about half of the variance in aggressive and antisocial behavior can be attributed to genetics. Other research has begun to pinpoint which specific genes promote such behavior. (More).

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  1. Cindy says:

    Hmm — interesting implications here. If someone is found to be a sociopath, what do we do? It’s my understanding that there’s no cure.

  2. Louise says:

    “[A] simple fix—omega-3 supplements in the diets of young offenders—reduces serious offending by about 35%,”

    Wow. Hmm.

  3. Tom says:

    And then we’ll have to find out what influences genetics, but at least if we can find out effectively which genes produce this behavior, we could technically then find out a cure for it. This could end up changing the moral dynamics of society and dive into transhumanism.

  4. Taylor says:

    @Tom: If we can find cures through medicines, then we wouldn’t be altering the genes and it wouldn’t be a transhumanist type of moral issue in society. But if we wanted to deal with the issue at it’s core, then yes, that would end up happening.

  5. H. James Prince says:

    More from the article:
    “Randomized, controlled trials in England and the Netherlands have shown that a simple fix—omega-3 supplements in the diets of young offenders—reduces serious offending by about 35%. Studies have also found that early environmental enrichment—including better nutrition, physical exercise and cognitive stimulation—enhances later brain functioning in children and reduces adult crime.”

  6. Gabriel Odom says:

    Let’s not be quick to relegate our entire child-rearing to science. Bad parenting can have profound effects as well.
    “physical child abuse can damage the frontal part of the brain” That’s the part that actually makes us human. Child abuse does more than physical damage – it can damage the soul.

  7. Keanu says:

    But, what if some day in the future, we put people in prison just because they have a certain brain type?

  8. Buster says:

    I’m not sure you need a MRI to detect whether someone is anti-social. Just be around them for a few hours and you will probably have sufficient evidence.

  9. Taylor says:

    Keanu: Maybe then we’ll be able to alter their genetic predisposition to not be violent…although that will bring up a lot of moral controversies.

  10. Kumar says:

    With the right emr scans, I think this is possible. But most EMR technology now has problems scanning for traumatic brain injury, this is a major issue for veterans.