Calorie Labeling on Vending Machines, and Other Links

FDA has 68 pages of new rules on vending machine calorie labeling. Since it’s required by ObamaCare, there is no cost-benefit test here.

The Bible got it right: periodic fasting is good for you.

Chronic pain afflicts more than a quarter of adult Americans. Some doctors insist patients sign a “pain contract,” agreeing not to abuse their medications and consenting to be monitored.

So why do they support guaranteed issue and community rating? Poll: 93.3% of adults believe they are more responsible for their personal health than their doctor.

Medicare Chief Actuary: Medicaid enrollment under Obama Care may be 9 million more than originally predicted. Huge implications for state budgets.

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  1. Bruce says:

    68 pages of rules on vending machines? I know where Obama and the Republicans can enact some more socially useful budget cuts.

  2. Lisa says:

    I have actually tried fasting. It’s a new experience. Worth trying — at least once.

  3. Brian Williams. says:

    If someone is counting calories, they shouldn’t buy anything from a vending machine.

  4. Devon Herrick says:

    I’m trying to figure out how if could require 68 pages for vending machines. A normal policy would take less than one page.

  5. Virginia says:

    Ditto on what Brian said. I’ve never needed a disclaimer to tell me that vending machine food isn’t healthy.

    Also, about fasting: It’s easier, in my opinion, to fast than it is to cut calories. With fasting, the concept is simple. Don’t eat. But, cutting calories usually involves the self control of stopping yourself after eating only half the plate. However, I don’t fast unless I’m out of food. My loved ones appreciate the full and happy me much more than the hungry me. (Not at all related to the article, but my opinion.)

    About pain: I was talking to a friend of mine who works at a small community hospital. Their worst offenders are pain victims that go from ER to ER trying to get meds. It costs the hospital up to $4 million a year to care for these people. I asked her, “Why not just give them the meds? You’ll save your hospital $4 million a year, and you’ll make the patient happy.” She wasn’t too thrilled about the idea. It’s not the perfect solution, but drug seekers are a tremendous cost to the system. It seems rather unsustainable.

  6. Tom H. says:

    You ask an interesting question. If people are mainly responsible for their own health (and I’m not sure that is true), then why is there so much support for regulations that force insurers to take all comers for the same premium?

  7. Greg says:

    I think there is no end to what the nanny state types want to regulate and no limit to how many regulations they can think up.

  8. Linda Gorman says:

    Where I am, vending machines owned by individual businesses dispense all kinds of things–socks, mouth guards, athletic tape, dried fruit, granola bars, soft drinks, candy bars and whatever else the specialty group targeted might need. Given the government predilectin for regulating every action in detail, I’m surprised that 69 pages was sufficient–I bet they left some stuff out that will require another round of regulation writing.